Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just another day in "paradise"

Last night I decided to try to tackle my two months worth of unopened mail, and I'm glad that I did. I had received a check from Farmer's after having cancelled my insurance policy. $118 I wasn't expecting! :) I bought a few things that I needed for my classroom and filled up my gas tank. That's the good news.

Then there was bad news...Today my laptop fell off of the couch. Luckily it's fine, but my internet connection which was plugged in at the time wasn't so lucky. It is totally busted and unfortunately I'll have to wait until my first paycheck to pay the deductible and get connected again. Thankfully I still have the internet connection on my phone or I would be totally disconnected from the rest of the world...ha ha. So, I'm writing this post from my phone; a little more difficult than from my computer.

Other than that, today has been pretty much just like every other day since I got back to Arizona. I worked in my classroom for a couple of hours, ran to Wal-Mart, took a walk with Landon, and now we're sitting around doing pretty much nothing. My life is pretty mundane right now, and I'd just like for something better to be happening. But, overall I'm doing okay. :)

Sorry, no cute pictures of Landon today...

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